
by on Jan.24, 2021, under Allgemein

More than two hundred watches of the Reference 3646 are registered in our database today. Among all different Vintage Panerai models, the 3646 marks the reference with the most known specimen in our records. In 2009, 143 recorded watches were featured in the first (sold out) edition of our book “The References”. Within the entire serial number sequence of the reference 3646, we differentiate between seven different variations (3646 / Type A – Type G). The photo on the left shows a Ref. 3646 / Type D with anonymous “Kampfschwimmer” dial, which is featured in chapter II.IV (page 454-467).

In our book “The References” 1930’s-1940’s the watches of the entire reference 3646 are featured in chapter II with more than six hundred pages in the chapters II.I-II.VII following an intro on page 40-49. The seven different variations (3646 / Type A – Type G) can be found in our reference quickfinder on page 14-20.

Chapter II.I = Reference 3646 / Type A
(featuring two different watches on page 50-169).

Chapter II.II = Reference 3646 / Type B
(featuring four different watches on page 170-247).

Chapter II.III = Reference 3646 / Type C
(featuring seven different watches on page 248-397).

Chapter II.IV = Reference 3646 / Type D
(featuring nine different watches on page 398-531).

Chapter II.V = Reference 3646 / Type E
(featuring four different watches on page 532-573).

Chapter II.VI = Reference 3646 / Type F
(featuring two different watches on page 574-607).

Chapter II.VII = Reference 3646 / Type G
(featuring two different watches on page 608-645).

Since January 2016, a total of 17 watches of the Ref. 3646 / Type D have been added into our database until the beginning of February 2019. Seven of them surfaced with anonymous “Kampfschwimmer” dials, ten of these 17 watches surfaced with painted brass dials.

All new additions are inside the number group 260408-260873, representing the watches of the Ref. 3646 / Type D. Added to the 79 watches we had in our records in January 2016, the total number of Ref. 3646 / Type D watches in our database is actually counting 103 specimen.

Our “The Reference” books are available in our bookstore. Enjoy reading!

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