“History2″ featured in danish “timegeeks” magazine
by Volker on Sep.01, 2013, under General
Our new book “History2″ is featured in the new “timegeeks” magazine on page 6, introducing new watch book releases (http://timegeeks.dk). Kristian Haagen, a passionated watch enthusiast and journalist, has provided us his latest magazine’s edition as pdf-file: September 2013.
Kristian “Bezelator” Haagen is known in the watch world as a long-term member of the paneristi.com forum since september 2000. He received the 2003 and 2004 “asshat award” and his unforgettable “corkscrew treatment” will remain as one of the most attended performances ever made by a paneristi.com member.
Thanks for giving our new book “History2” a spotlight in your Magazine, Kristian! [Ralf Ehlers & Volker Wiegmann]